These Are The Real Reasons Your Long-Term Boyfriend Hasn’t Proposed Yet

Let me get those out of the way after I empathize and relate to you, I think it’s important you know I’ve been in your shoes , and I’ve worked with thousands of couples now. He also and most importantly told my family when they asked him “where’s the ring? ” That everytime he thinks about buying me a ring he thinks about “all the cool stuff he can buy for himself instead.” And that he would rather spend his money on “interesting or cool things he wants”.

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The persistent belief is that women are looking for long-term committed relationship and men are looking for short-term sexual relationships. That may be true for younger people, but that isn’t always the case at this age, she says. If it’s been that long, I’d imagine he’s not interested in marriage and is just fine with not getting hitched.

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Rob is not a real person as presented. If you scroll up this thread you will find his replies are practically a cut/paste of his previous one. Rob is a troll who is here simply to insult women to get a response and present himself as some golden cocksman, lol. We are people too, and I’ll be damned if I let another woman use me again. But it makes them feel good to delude themselves.

I personally think internet dating is such a con and the only people that suggest i do it are those in relationships andnever tried it themeselves . I’m 42 fit yes i’m independant baggage dealt with i love men, i’m easily pleased not materialistic happy with my life but all i’m looking for is someone to enhance it. I’ve never taken a man for a ride i’ve been open to hearing their past experiences and try hard not to judge people. I have found the only people interested in me now are married men looking for a fling or men much older looking for someone 10 years younger. So basically i’ve resigned myself to spending the rest of my life alone and i’ve accepted this now which was extremely hard to come to terms with. Sad that we all seem to share similar views but cannot get together with someone.

Has to be a reason they are divorced, especially more than once, and I doubt very much that it was all his fault. Because these are men who are more self-aware, more interesting, more multifaceted, more experienced and more intriguing. To me, being in your 40’s is not the same as being in your 50’s. Yes women go through menopause later but men also go through something and age all around too. So trying to compare how you feel and act in your 40’s to actual mid life is ridiculous. I was in fantastic shape in my 40’s and am still in great shape now too but time has inevitably reared its head despite how well I’ve lived my life.

Maybe your man doesn’t want to marry into your family. When you marry someone, you don’t just marry them – you marry their family. In my early 20’s, I fell deeply in love with a great woman.

A recent study looked into why older women — in this case, women in their 60s and 70s — date. A few things became clear to the researchers early on — the women treasured their independence and craved companionship. I did not and would not “bombard” a man with demands for a proposal, like another poster has done. It worked for her but I would never ask/plead/demand that a man marry me. The OP stated that she wanted marriage. If that was the case her waiting 5 years is silly.

I did shift work for years to avoid the “I have a friend I think you’d like” nonsense. As a result, I have no debt, own my house, and live comfortably if not lavishly. Being away from people more reveals just how much I don’t need a social interaction with them beyond that which is necessary. What little I need is satisfied by my coworkers on the job. When on vacation or a weekend trip, the minimal social interaction with guides and shop keepers is plenty. I go home sated and rested without all the unnecessary drama.

Apr 6 years, 2016 author topic was 29 years on a proposal! Looking for three or strategy when we were with him to reassure me living in the reasons. I’d say if he doesn’t want to propose at this point given he already said his timeline in the past he wants to keep his options open.

We keep in touch during the week by texting once or twice to make plans for the upcoming weekend . We both have our lives , while I work , play sports two nights a week and spend time with my kids. Neither of us desires more from our relationship.

I am caught in a cycle of sitting home often because I don’t want to compromise and spend time with people I am not attracted to just so I am not alone. Women have told me I’m attractive and but now I date rarely since I have never found any relationship permanent. Most often than not women I discovered don’t want anything permanent. I’m sort of a hopeless romantic whereas they are looking for just a friend with benefits…to quote another reader “sleepovers at each other houses”. Was the single dad and solo dad still , now a solo granddad. Myself daughter and son are all single-perhaps not just due to age.

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